Infinity Bodymaker Technician is a company dedicated to provide technical services in Bodymakers machines, specializing in the repair, maintenance, local training, auditing and prevention, personalized customer service and customer representation in Bodymakers buy off.

The company has 30 years of technical experience in Bodymakers machines as Standun B5, B6, B7, and staff technical training.

Our mission is to provide repair, maintenance and prevention for highly qualified Bodymakers machines and offer customized training for all levels, enabling the technical and operational framework client to start or further their knowledge.

We have the vision to meet the client's needs, in solving Bodymakers problems and also training your technical staff, eliminating production limitations and technical deficiencies, increasing the return on their investments in productivity.

Our values are in the commitment to always meet customer's technical needs while maintaining the highest standard of services provided.

AV. PRESIDENTE KENNEDY, 1386 CIDADE NOVA I - INDAIATUBA - SP | PHONE: +55 (19) 3264-0444 | E-MAIL: contato@infinitybmt.com